We are in the midst of the shortest days of the year, our bodies know it. From an evolutionary standpoint, the long nights helped us recover, rest deeply and rebuild our energy. They help us take a break from too much activity, restoring patience and focus. Do we take advantage of this time of year to rest more? Sometimes. The power of deep, restorative sleep cannot be emphasized enough. So many problems with health and well-being spring from the simple fact we often don’t get enough rest.Try giving yourself 15 minutes every day to stare out a window, or stroke your cat, or meditate. Give yourself an extra 30 minutes of sleep, and perhaps subtract 30 minutes of screen time. Observe how you feel, and how the quiet space allows other ruminating about life and love and gratitude. Don’t miss the opportunity to slow down and be present during this very special time of year.
The Miracle of Sleep and Restoration